The first reason is that every single person can benefit from this healing program. Every day we are subjected to toxins -just about everywhere. Try as hard as you want, there is no way to completely avoid them. This is the reason we are including C1 and (as much as possible) C2 on the diet.
The second -and biggest- reason is that several of us have 'issues' that we are hoping to heal and eliminate during this month (or more) on GAPS. My husband deals with candida, allergies, anxiety, joint issues, and a plethora of gut/intestinal issues; I struggle with candida, allergies (skin and environmental), joint issues, and sensitivities; A1 also struggles with candida and skin issues as well as ADD-type concentration struggles; A2 is my vaccine-injured child who struggles with many gut issues -including IBS, gluten sensitivities, and chronic (severe) constipation. She also has several Autistic spectrum markers; some ADD-type issues; Restless leg; and a few other 'minor' issues.
Though I know GAPS is not a magic-bullet that will heal all our issues forever, I do know that science has proven over and over that it is beneficial and does bring healing. Even if a portion of our issues are healed and we spend a month detoxing, it will be worth it for us on the whole.
We are going to be learning a lot along the way and since I will forget what I dont record, anyone who follows along with me might learn a thing or two as well!
I do highly recommend getting a copy of Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment for Autism, Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, A.D.H.D., Depression, Schizophrenia
We are also using this eBook: What Can I Eat Now? It contains step-by-step and Day-by-Day guides for the Intro portion that we are doing. Literally contains a menu with recipes for every day of the typical 30-day plan and how to know when you are ready for the next Stage. You could probably get away with just this guide if you cant afford the GAPS book right now.
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