Initially I was going to use ice cube traysbut can you believe I dont have a single one! I went to buy some but then as I thought about it more, I decided I wanted to freeze the juice in 1-lemon servings. Ice cube trays are an ounce or less per square and an average lemon (or recipe calling for the 'juice of 1 lemon') is 2 ounces. Hmm. What to do...
I finally decided to juice them and freeze the juice in jelly jars-which I have a lot of- and then pop the juice out of the jars, put them in baggies and back into the freezer. It worked great!!
The Great American Fruit Tree Campaign will have full details on how I froze my juice soon so here are just a couple of pictures to hold you over and give you an idea how you could do it too.
(We peeled the lemons; sliced in half cross-ways -revealing the seeds; picked out some of the seeds but not all; and then juiced in our juicer.This gave us lots more juice than hand squeezing but even doing it by hand would be worth the effort!)
Bowl of lemons. The smaller ones are the ones given to us by friends and that we just juiced. The large ones are Meyer Lemons -those are up next!
2 oz/ 1 lemon 'cubes'
Baggie of frozen lemon juice cubes!
OH, I know what I am going to ask for when I come for a visit! ;) Yum!