
Friday, October 26, 2012

Finally! Something she will EAT!

Too funny!

I have been trying to get little J to eat food for months now. She has hated everything I have tried to feed her. Liquids, mashed, soft, melt-ables -you name it and she would gag when you put it in her mouth.
For her birthday she mashed her whole specially-made chocolate mocha cake but refused to eat a single bite!

Imagine my surprise when I see this ^...

I had placed her in the pack-n-play while I worked in the kitchen. In her hand I knew there was a small, bite-size piece of Hersheys chocolate that she was playing with. It was sealed and she was happy with it so I let her keep it.

She sat there playing quietly for a while. A loooong while. I was curious what was keeping so happy so went over to check on her. Yes, I did laugh -and am still laughing- at finding her covered in chocolate and still munching on the piece of chocolate! The wrapper pieces both sitting on the bottom of the pack-n-play and e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. in it covered in little chocolate hand prints! She was so happy and eating it so well I almost didnt take it from her.

Little J is definitely her Mamas girl... Chocolate is her first food and judging by the way she is now searching everywhere for the rest of it, its her favorite ones too!

I would be lying if I said I hadnt been a bit frustrated that she refused to eat any and all foods up until now.  There was a lingering 'wonder' in the back of my head if maybe there was a swallowing or tongue problem that we were going to have to deal with.  Needless to say... I no longer have such concerns (and do know they were silly to begin with)!

~sent via mobil posting~

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! BTW, I forgot to tell you that Nathan's first word is MORE! That boy loves his food.
