A friend did this a while ago and I thought it was neat to see the different things that she was reading through the day. (I have to confess an ulterier motive though, I -or Dale-often close out the browser before I get a chance to read them. Or the day simply slips away with no time to read them. This way maybe even I will get to finish them all!)
(Hmm. I know I waste a lot of time and am trying to be more diligent in the ways I spend my time. Good reminder.)
(This one ^ is a good example of how I dont fit the mold. I consider myself an 'Attachment Parenting' kinda gal. There are many of these 'rules' that I do NOT agree with. See, never try to put me in a box, I will usually find a way to not fit. :-) )
(Very interesting interview! I am always fascinated to learn what people believe but even more so by WHY they believe what they believe. Learned quite a bit I didnt know in this interview.)
(Good article. Frustrating about the divide and lies -see the next link too. Like the chart included here listing the companies that are truly organic/sustainable and those that just give lip service. Yet again I am confused why people dont seem to care about where their food comes from and how it is produced. How can anyone NOT want to know if their food source is GMO?)
(Sad the way we have to even be careful of even 'Organic' producers now.)
(Ordering chicken feed but the price keeps going up. Need to see if there are people who want to split a pallet with us...?)
(AMAZING the number of cases that have been won by those injured by vaccines. I have seen several lists and this one is the most informative as it has lots of detail. Needless to say, the courts almost always side with the vaccine-injured party. Does that make anyone wonder about the vaccines...?)
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